jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013

#eBookBonanza #Packt$5

Packt’s $5 eBook Bonanza is back!

Following on from the success of last year’s festive offer, the publisher will be celebrating the holiday season with an even bigger $5 Bonanza.

From December 19th, customers will be able to get any eBook or Video from Packt for just $5. This sale covers every title in the 1700+ range and customers can grab as many as they like until January 3rd 2014 – more information is available at http://bit.ly/1jdCr2W
Packt is celebrating #eBookBonanza! All eBooks and Videos are available for just $5! VISIThttp://bit.ly/1jdCr2W NOW! #Packt$5

Desde el 19 de diciembre, los consumidores podran comprar cualquier video o eBook de Packt por solamente 5$. Incluyendo el compreto rando de libros populares sobre javascript. a oferta sera hasta el 3 de enero de 2014

Pack esta celebrando navidad, asi que aprovechen!!!!

Visit http://bit.ly/1jdCr2W NOW!

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